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Consumerism socials project

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Consumerism socials project
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Before I learned about how over consumerism causes harm to the planet I took advantage of being a consumer and often over consumed on products. I was completely unaware on how over-consumption created pollution and drained the planet of resources.
  • Buy 10 t-shirts to get 1 for free!
  • Wow, What a good deal, Here's the money.
  • Before watching and learning about the "Story of Stuff" and Perceived Obsolesces I constantly replaced my Stuff with the latest Stuff even if the one I currently had was perfectly fine.
  • Take my money!
  • Wow, the Iphone 15 looks so drippy. My friends are going to think I'm so cool.
  • With pleasure!
  • Buy the Iphone 15 now!
  • Before watching the "Story of Stuff" and learning about consumerism my daily schedule was to go to school, come home to watch tv and then go out to buy something that looks cool and then repeat the process everyday.
  • Caleb's Daily Schedule
  • Caleb's New Daily Schedule
  • Buy 10 t-shirts to get 1 for free!
  • After watching the "Story of Stuff" video I became more self aware on how and why the products I was consuming created pollution, intoxicated workers and drained the planet of natural resources. This also made me understand that although we have progressed and made life easier by taking shortcuts it would always have some sort of catch or drawback so I started consuming products at a limit. 
  • I'll just have one shirt please
  • After watching the "Story of Stuff I leaned about how the factories that produce products create pollution and I also learned about Perceived Obsolesces where companies plan to make new products so that you get rid of your perfectly fine product to get a new one. Upon learning this I started treasuring the things I had and not replacing them unless I had to.
  • No thanks, My Iphone 15 works perfectly fine
  • I won't fall for perceived obsolesces as My phone works perfectly fine
  • Buy the Iphone 16 now!
  • After watching the "Story of Stuff" I've learned that modern progress is indeed good for humanity but it comes with the cost of Pollution, draining the planet of resources, intoxicating workers with chemicals and lowering our happiness and time. In this image above it shows my new schedule where go to school then hang out with my friends as it doesn't have a negative affect on the world and it raises my happiness levels.
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