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Nervous system and Endocrine system Storyboard

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Nervous system and Endocrine system Storyboard
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Sammy, I was making food and when I got too close to the stove I could feel the heat! How does that happen?
  • The reason you feel that sensation is thanks to the Central Nervous System!
  • The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. They both play a central role in your nervous system. Thanks to them you can sense, think, speak, move, and be aware!
  • Wow! When I looked at the sun my pupils contracted and I squinted. I wonder why that happened?
  • Sammy and Alex then decide to take a walk outside when Alex makes another realization
  • Your PNS is the branched out version of the CNS. The PNS communicates with the CNS so your body can react to stimuli.
  • The reason that happens is because of your peripheral nervous system!
  • This walk is definitely making me exhausted!
  • The somatic nervous system is a component of the peripheral nervous system associated with the voluntary control of the body movements via the use of skeletal muscles.
  • Alex, did you know you are able to walk because of your Somatic Nervous system?
  • Sammy you have taught me so much about the nervous system, but what about my endocrine system?
  • Sure Alex! To start, everyone has a pituitary gland. This gland regulates growth, metabolism, and reproduction through the hormones that it produces
  • 1 hour later...
  • Thanks for teaching me about the nervous system and endocrine system!
  • And then there is the adrenal glands! They are very similar to the pituitary glands, but they are composed of two parts, the medulla and cortex.
  • Of course!!
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