We the Confederates are motivated and will win this fight!
We the Union have a bigger army just give up.
The battle of Antietam started on September 17, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. The leader for the Union was George B. McClellan. The leader of the Confederacy was Robert E. Lee.
We give up!
Take the first shot
The battle of Antietam was in the northern territory. The Union had the advantage. in addition, the North had a larger population than the south. On the other hand, the Confederacy was motivated to fight, and they had first-rate generals.
Robert E. Lee decided to invade Union Territory. He split his forces and gave each group a certain town to attack with hope to weaken the Union.
General Mclellan found out about the Invasion and decided to make resistance. The Union troops fired first at the Confederates left flank and carnage then began. The Confederate troops were outnumbered and decided to give up.
The Antietam was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War for the North. Antietam had a total of 22,717 casualties. Union had a total of 11,650 losses and Confederate had a total of 9,300 losses. The Union Takes the win.
The Union win allowed President Lincoln to finally release the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. It allowed all slaves within rebellious states are now free.