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  • Exodus
  • The book of Exodus. Exodus means the mass migration for exiting of people from a area. The book of exodus is the second book of the old testament. The book of exodus presents some of the bibles most dramatic moments. in the next 10 slides, I will show you some of those moments.
  • The large increase of the Jewish population. The book of Exodus begins as a new Pharaoh becomes concerned with the large increase of the Israelite population. He enslaves the Israelites and sentences them to manual labor. There numbers continue to grow. He then takes the drastic measure of ordering all Israelite mothers to kill all the baby boys.
  • The Birth of Moses. An Israelite women, later identified as Jochebed, gives birth to Moses. She avoids having her son killed by placing him in a reed basket. She places the basket in the Nile River, and floats it downstream. The child is Moses. The daughter of an Egyptian king finds him. She calls him Moses. Moses is raised as an Egyptian Prince.
  • Moses kills an Egyptian oppressor. When Moses becomes a man, he takes sympathy for one of the Israelite laborers who is being whipped by an Egyptian soldier. Moses kills the Egyptian soldier, and buries the body in the sand. The pharaoh seeks to kill Moses for this. Moses flees the country. Moses exile takes him to Midian. Moses becomes a Shepard.
  • God beckons Moses from the burning bush. God reveals his true name as Yahweh. God orders Moses to go back to the Pharaoh, in Egypt, and demand the release of the Israelites. Moses first says no. Moses says the Israelites will not believe him, but God give him the power to preform miraculous signs to show his authority. Aaron, Moses brother, is appointed to assist him.
  • Moses meets with the Egyptian ruler and says God demands the release of the Israelites to the promised land. The king refuses. The king opresses the Israelites even more because of Moses. Moses complains to God about this. God understands, but explains to Moses that he is the first Israelite to know his true name.
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