The United States of America now declares Texas a part of their land
Disputed border/territory
this is our land
no this is our land
U.S.offers to buy Mexican territory; Mexico refuses offer
The fall of New Mexico and California
give us your land or there is going to be a war
ok we surrender
we are taking this castle over if you like it or not
U.S.annexes Texas which Mexico considers an act of war
the U.S invades Mexico
this is our castle you not taking it over
we offer $15 million for your land
U.S. crosses intodisputed land provoking Mexico to fire upon themMexico claims theNueces river to be the borderTexas clams the RioGander as it's border on the south and westBorder disputesMexico and Texas cant agree on a border
the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
we give up Texas you can have it
New Mexico: reached Ne Mexico Mexicans in the region surrendered they territorywithout any shots firedCalifornia:Americans living in CA rebelled against Mexican government jailing him andclaiming CA for the U.S
Mexicocity: Soldiers and military cadets defend the castle of Chapultepec bravely butMexico City was captured by the U.S.
U.S. agrees toprotect Mexicans living in Mexican Cession region Mexico gives upTexas and large region half its territory for $15 million