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  • Proposed c, who said that the first settlers on the American continent where themselves, "man of la pampa" emerged from Argentina, Ameghino based his theory on one bones "found"
  • Sorry but This is not enough evidence to make an official theory
  • The major Olmec urban area in early times was San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, at the time the largest city in Mesoamerica. This was probably a ritual and political place, housing thousands and using an elaborate water and drainage system.
  • Mesoamerica: extends from Mexico Center to the South, covering some parts of Central America, to the North of the peninsula of Nicoya.
  • Polytheism, the elements of naturebecame deities, but the principal wasfeathered Snake.
  • Main civilization of Mesoamerica Olmec Zapotec Mayas
  • The city and in fact the ancient Olmec civilization is often remembered because of the gigantic stone heads that have been found.
  • OlmecThe ancient Olmec civilization is nowconsidered to be one of the earliest greatcivilizations in Mesoamerica
  • it's believed that they may havebeen early adopters of thecomplex religious system that theMayas and the Aztecs woulduse.
  • Andean AmericaChavinIt covers the territories of the Andean Highlands in other words from the South to the North Chile; Colombia the most important cultures of this region include the ChiMu culture, Chavin, Nazca and at the time of the arrival of the Spaniards the Incas
  • ChavinIt was based on the economy of this civilization is related to agricultural production, among the most important products include: maize,cassava, potatoes, beans,peanuts.
  • There was a cult of the Jaguar, monumental art, which has been linked to a division of labour.
  • The Chavín government was run by a small elite group of priests, administrators, and wealthy traders.
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