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myth project
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • in the beginning there was nothing, then in the duration of seven days god created the earth, on the 7th day he created man out of clay, named Adam
  • god noticed that Adam was lonely so while adam slept he took one of his ribs and created a woman named Eve who would become his wife and the mother of their future children.
  • god gave adam one rule about the garden and that was that they could not eat from the apple tree. they were free to have anything else in the garden except from this tree. one day a snake persuaded eve to eat the apple and she did, she then convinced adam to eat the apple as well.
  • god was very disappointed in them and punished them by banishing them out of the garden of eden. and placing angels holding fire stakes to make sure they never return,
  • Adam and eve were now forced to learn how to survive on their own. they had to learn how to farm, and how to build shelter.
  • Adam and eve later on learned that they could procreate and with this came their three sons, cane, abel and seth.these were the first human births and from there it went on and on....
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