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Walk Two Moons Storyboard 2

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Walk Two Moons Storyboard 2
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  • "The snake slithered and wriggled, straining toward the water. "I do believe it has had a snack out of my leg." She stared hard at Gramps"(93)Over the shoulder shot, two shot, eye level, high key lighting
  • "Gramps scooped up Gram and carried her out of the water. "Would you mind dropping that thing?" he said to Gram, who was still clutching the snake."Two shot, long shot, low angle, high key lighting
  • "As Gramps put Gram on the riverbank, the boy came and knelt beside her. "I'm sure glad you have that knife," Gramps said, reaching for it." (93)Long shot, eye level, high key lighting
  • "As he made a slit in Gram's leg across the snake bite, blood trickled down her ankle." (93)Close up shot, high angle, high key lighting
  • "Gramps knelt to suck out the wound, but the boy said, "Here, I'll do it." The boy placed his mouth against Gram's bloody leg. He sucked and spit, sucked and spit. Gram's eyelids fluttered." (93)High key lighting, low angle, long shot
  • "Can you point us to a hospital?" Gramps said. The boy nodded as he spit. Gramps and the boy carried Gram to the car and settled her in the back seat while I snatched their clothes from the riverbank." (94)Establishing shot, long shot, eye level, high key lighting
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