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Engineering Project

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Engineering Project
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • if you resist we will not hold back
  • we have you surrounded do not resist
  • Oh crap they have got a Street unit on me
  • I need to go to a big place so i can hide in plain site
  • He arrives at a playground with plenty of people to hide in between
  • Oh shoot they have helis out on me  needa find a tunnel and stay there
  • I better get going so that 12 don't snatch me 
  • Its getting kinda late.........
  • Then i would never get out like they said 
  • What if they catch me.......
  • I knew this would happen now I'm never getting out
  • I need to find someplace warm
  • Alright here is what I'm going to do
  • Alright letsss goooo
  • im just gonna go try and find some tarps and blanket
  • The sky unit is getting farther and farther away i think so i should be good
  • So he is walking street corners looking through some trash trying to find some sort of warmth in the tunnel he is in trying not to be suspicious so he doesn't get caught
  • He found some blankets a table and a really beat up mattress
  • He finds some stuff he think will be useful and heads back to the tunnel
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