We should collect as much evidence possible at the Primary Crime Scene.
Here is the Crime Scene of Mr. John Kindle. First Responders should be here any minute to begin the Crime-Scnece Investigation.
Since everyone has a unique fingerprint, they clssify as Individual Evidence.
The Police Officers determine what is evidence. They discover a pill bottle and a gun, which classifies as Physical Evidence. They also discover Latent Prints by Tape Lifting on the pill bottle and gun, which classifies as Trace Evidence. They collect all evidence and secure it in Bindle Paper.
Did you kill John KIndle??!!
The Toxicologist found that the victim was poisoned before he was shot by testing a blood sample. He also found that the pill bottle did contain the poison that was found in the bloodstream. The pill bottle on the crime scene was more than just Circumstantial Evidence.
The Forensic Scientist examined the fingerprints. Through Observation, she found that they matched the fingerprints of a man involved with a recent case, Jim O'Donnell. As soon as she was sure she was correct, she informed the authorities.
As soon as they knew they had the right Suspect, they brought him in for Questioning. Although, from looking at all of the evidence, the Police already formed an Opinion of their own...Jim O'Donnell was confirmed guilty. Their opinion had just been proven a Fact.
Thanks to Forensic science and the analysis of evidence, they were able to successfully put Jim O'Donnell in jail for the murder of John Kindle. The town is at peace once again.