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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • The French Revolution
  • There was inequality and starvation for everyone due to the estate system, no one was equal. They were born into where being peasants or city workers. Around 80% of the population were farmers.
  • Third Estate(peasants and merchants, had little rights and paid half of there income towards taxes)
  • Second Estate(Nobles, owned about 20% of the land)
  • First Estate(Roman Catholic Clergy)
  • Only if I wasn't third estate
  • The French decided to help other countries with wars going on. By this doing this i put French in large national debt. and caused weak leadership.
  • Spend the money! We shall help out the other the countries. Lets just do it and not even think about consequences it may have!
  • The people decide to start a revolution to change their broken government. To have change the reign of terror occurs. Here a lot of people get executed including the king and queen. The guillotine became a symbol of this time because this is how all of the executions were done.
  • The tennis court oath occurred which was where the third estate declared itself the national assembly. They took an oath to force the new constitution on the king. 
  • Many changes occurred during the French revolution. This caused the end of a monarchy. France was now a Republic.
  • Equality was for all men now. This lead for a rise of nationalism in Europe. Due to the French Revolution it lead to revolutions in other colonies. Napoleon became the emperor of France where eventually he led a military dictatorship.
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