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Parable of the Fishing Net-by Abby Duncan

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Parable of the Fishing Net-by Abby Duncan
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Hello, welcome today I will be taking you back in history. We will get to experience one of Jesus's parables first hand. This parable is one of the most important one's and I encourage you all to take it in and live by it. Without further ado let' s begin our journey.
  • The Parable of the Fishing Net -by Abby Duncan 
  • Right now Jesus has just begun teaching through different parables. The people ask questions and learn more about how to live life, as God wants them to. Jesus soon gets to the Parable of the Fishing Net. Parables open our eyes to deeper insights into Christ and Heaven.
  • Jesus shares and explains the Parable of the Fishing Net to the crowd of people. He explains that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net. The net was thrown into the water and caught fish of many kind. Some good and some bad.
  • Bad side
  • The net became full so the fisherman went back to shore. When they arrived they sorted the fish into two groups, the good and the bad. They then threw away the bad ones. This is the way it will be at the end of the world, Jesus tells the people.
  • good side 
  • So, as you see at the end of our time the angels will come and separate us. From the wicked people to the righteous. Throwing and casting away the wicked into the furnace of fire.
  • For our last stop/scene we will listen to the words come out of our Savior himself.
  • This parable is such an important one for all of humanity to know and live by. Jesus shares with us how the final judgement will take place. In this parable the fisherman is God and we are the fish being separated. We will either go to Heaven or hell. Thank you for taking this journey back in history with me. Now go and spread the word!
  • The Parable of the Fishing Net-by Abby Duncan 
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