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  • (1)Why are you saying mean stuff :(
  • (3) As you can see this is a computer crime called CYBERBULLYING its the use of electronic communication to bully a person online, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening.
  • (2)Because your fat and scary looking just like a mango ;).
  • oh my....this man is getting money from the bank illegally .He is a hacker! Hacking means gaining unauthorised access to data from or in a system or computer.
  • Algorithm code loading to transfer $500,000 from bank safe.....010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010190% complete....
  • As you can see this kids is uploading a free version of a popular game called Minecraft which is paid for but he made a free version which is illegal this is call soft ware piracy.
  • free Minecraft beta free download computer program........89%
  • as you can se this thief tricked someone into giving him their credit card information this is know as Phishing the practice of tricking Internet users (as through the use of deceptive email messages or websites) into revealing personal or confidential information
  • ok so I can win money by giving you my credit card for a inning? yes you can just send the number and expiry date .ok, 12345678901013/9/2030you blocked this number tap to unblock .
  • as you can see the boy it using a quote that isnt his this is called plagiarism.
  • let me copy and paste this as if its my own ...
  • cry my dear but do not bleed-Mirrilamarie
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