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American Revolution

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American Revolution
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  • Aren't you glad that us, the British, won that war. I sure am because we just obtained Canada and all the land west to the Mississippi River.
  • That is very exciting, but that war left us in debt and Britain is planning to make us pay it off using a whole bunch of taxes.
  • I can't believe that the Proclamation of 1763 says that we can't settle in the river valley where the American Indians live.
  • Well isn't that right. I didn't fight in a war for no reason. I say why don't we just ignore that silly little proclamation and live there anyway.
  • I cannot believe that the Stamp Act would put taxes on newspapers, licenses, and legal documents.
  • I know. It is very maddening. Maybe we should protest the Stamp Act or make a group of people called "The Sons of Liberty.
  • I, George Walton and my two friends, Button Gwinnett and Lyman Hall, all signed the Declaration of Independence
  • The Declaration has three parts: the Preamble, which explains the peoples natural rights, the second part which includes a list of grievances against King George III, and the last part which is where the colonists severed ties with Great Britain.
  • I am the main author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson.
  • I, Austin Dabney and Elijah Clarke over there became Georgia heroes in this battle.
  • That's right. Us Patriots won this battle and it was a big victory because it raised our morale, replenished much needed supplies, and set the stage for many victories.
  • Give us back our land! We lost 800 troops while you only lost 18 men. It is unfair!
  • Never! You snooze you lose!
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