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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Geographic Features
  • It's very good and flat. The growing season is also long.
  • Would you like a bit of a tour?
  • Hey is your land good for farming.
  • I'd love one.
  • Economy
  • This here's my farm and some of my slaves. We harvest lots of cotton and cash crops, this is just one of our wheat farms.
  • Those who can afford them have them.
  • Does everyone own slaves here?
  • Political Climate
  • Nice. How do you feel about the North hating on you guys? You know because of slaves.
  • We have been wanting to secede before and definately after we lost our national political power.
  • This here's my home. I have some slaves to take care of me inside.
  • Social
  • They obviously take care of the house and things revolving around it.
  • What do the women do?
  • Who's the guest?
  • Here in the South there's a peckin' order. At the top we have planters, then we have small farmers, then poor farmers, and way at the bottom we have slaves.
  • Cultural
  • That's quite interesting.
  • Here's the church. Almost everybody comes here. Even the african americans. Also you have a higher status if you have more land.
  • Geographic features
  • As you can see the farmland is good and fertile.
  • I have decided that I shall live here.
  • Here's the last spot. My cotton farm. These slaves are currently collecting cotton.
  • Quiet!
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