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Crea tu propio guión gráfico

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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • H-hello??Anyone there??Anyooone?
  • Who are you and what do you want with me?Why should I listen to you anyway?!
  • See that knife and gun there?Shout more and there will be….”consequences “.
  • Stop shouting.You’re making too much of a racket.
  • W-what do you mean??!
  • You see…your parents never died in a car crash.They were not who they appeared to be,happy and humble people.
  • My name is …”Bob”.
  • We want…something precious that belonged to your parents.
  • Call me…”Rob”.
  • So?!Whats your point?!
  • So thats how they could afford such pricey items and a posh education for me!
  • So?!Whats your point?!
  • Your parents were nuclear engineers.We were their students and they left a fortune behind for you with “other” items.
  • After we created a new,possibly harmful way to lessen the economy and re create the world,they left and had you.
  • W-WHAt?!How could you?!They died in a car crash!!
  • Well…they had all our work locked up as well as a fortune and didn’t cooperate with us.So-
  • We assasinated them.
  • Just a cover to kill them.We did have help from the other enemies of your parents as “witnesses “.Hahahahaaha
  • Go get your beauty sleep.For tomorrow you will show us all your parent’s secrets,fortune,and work.
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