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That was the scariest dream i've ever had!!!
lookin' good!!
This is when Pam wakes up and realizes that everything was a dream and that she is still beautiful. 
Hey Pam!
Heyyy Jacob!!
This is when Pam is getting ready for school after finishing her project so that she could go onto the field trip 
This one is really cool!
This is when Pam is getting off the bus and getting to school and when she has to turn in the permission slip for the field trip. 
It was so much fun! I actually also realized what a wonderful person Abigail is...
So, how was it?
This is when they got to the museum and when Jacob and Pam see each other and say hi. 
This is when Pam and Abigail see the painting that they thought was really interesting
This is when Pam and her mom are talking about the museum and then Pam brings up Abigail. 
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