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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • In a city called Ur lived a man, Abraham and his wife, Sarah. They were sad because they could not have any children, and they were getting too old.
  • Abraham prayed to God for two things: a family of his own, and land for them to live in.
  • One day, God told Abraham and Sarah that if they left their home and travelled all the way to Canaan, they could have their own land and children.
  • .Many years passed, and Sarah still did not have her own child. Some visitors were sent by God to tell her that she would.
  • At last, Sarah had a baby called Isaac, even though she and Abraham were very old. He was very precious to them both. Now they had land AND a family.
  • God then commanded Abraham to SACRIFICE Isaac. Of course he didn't want to, but he OBEYED God anyway. It was a TEST, though, and Isaac was allowed to live.
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