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World History Renaissance project

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World History Renaissance project
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  • 1st reason (Doc C)
  • 1st reason (Doc C)
  • 2nd Reason (Doc D)
  • The renaissance changed humanity's perspective of the solar system. "The Heliocentric Universe of Copernicus" was made which stated that the earth rotated around the sun.
  • 2nd Reason (Doc D)
  • This effected peoples views on the catholic church and its method because the church had claimed that the sun rotated around the earth. they also had a lot of religious symbols put into their representation of the solar system while Copernicus's did not.
  • 3rd reason (Doc A)
  • In the middle ages it was believed that the zodiac signs are what controlled different parts of our body. "For example, the constellation of stars called Aries the Ram controlled the head. " On the board I put all of the zodiac signs corresponding animal/object.
  • 3rd reason (Doc A)
  • Andreas Vesalius is the man who dissected human bodies and found that we were not run by zodiac signs. He had been granted already dead criminals by a local judge.
  • Up until the renaissance art was based around religion. The renaissance truly changed humans perspective on the world and it was showing through their art. Duccio Di Bouninsegna is the artist who painted a portrait of Jesus and Mother Mary. Most art before the renaissance was based off of religion.
  • This is a portrait of the Mona Lisa. This is one of the most famous pieces of renaissance art that doesn't have anything to do with religion. The Mona Lisa really shows how mans view of the world was changing and moving away from religion.
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