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Mexican gains independence
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Louisiana Purchase
I would like to put louisiana in the U.S we will pay you
Mexicos Unhappiness
Mexicans were being untreated really bad.They were at the bottom, and wanted to be set free.
Father Miguel Hidalgo
IIn the early 1800ś father miguel wanted to set the mexicans free from the spanish rules.
Filibuster s such as philip, peter,, jose and james came to texas in different time to tke texas but later got killed.
Battle of Medina
Early 1812 Gutierrez and magee created the republican army of north.
Aug 1812 The republucan army captured macogdoches with difficulty.
Constitution of 1824
Federalism divison power between national government headed by a president
republicanism People elect someone to represent them in government
Nov 12 The republican army captured goliad.
The republic army battled spanish forces south san antonio.
separation of powers dividing the power of government branches to prevent a person of group from getting too much power.
Individual Unalienable rights and privileges that people are born with and can not be taken away
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