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  • Queen Elizabeth dies in 1603 with no heir causing the Stuart Dynasty to begin with James I as king.
  • Charles I becomes king and believes in DRofK causing conflict/tension between monarchy and parliament. Later Charles I signed a petition of power then ignored it.
  • Civil War starts in 1642, the New Model Army fights under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell (Parliament) and Roundheads against King Charles and Cavaliers. The Roundheads won and King Charles was later beheaded in public.
  • Cromwell became a military dictator and ruled until death in 1658 and Army restores monarchy.  In 1660 Charles II was made king.
  • James II becomes king and openly catholic which worries Parliament.
  • English Nobles encourage William of Orange (ruler of the Netherlands, husband to James II daughter Mary) to invade and take over. James II had little support from England and fled to France. In 1698 William and Mary accept offer to throne. Monaarchy and Parliament destroyed theory of Divine Right of Kings.
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