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Assignment 1.6 Project

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Assignment 1.6 Project
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • The coloniards were tired of the British rule, since they wanted to create their own own national government and they also started to raise taxes. They felt like they wanted to have a lot of power. 
  • During this period it existed a group of famous thinkers, which were Thomas Jeffersom, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington. This three thinkers eliminated the preovious pre-established laws and created new ones and called the the US Constitution. 
  • This first document was the start for the US government on having laws as the base for controling their people. One of the laws also established that the power of the government should be passed to the people. 
  • In 1787, in this period the government decided to divide it in 3 branches: the judicial, executive, and, legislative. This was strategical to avoid giving the whole power to a single body. 
  • The US constitution was created with a good purpose, as this brought organization and fairness to everyone. This also allowed for modern government and federalism to be developed correctly. 
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