the mian 2 charachters, montresor and fortunado meet at a carnival , fortunado is drunk and is dress as a jester in a dress.and montresor in a mask.
Montresor wants revenge on fortunado for being insulted in the past, so he minipulates fortunado with wine, in the catacombs under his house.
falling action
while inside of the catacombs wine cellar of montresors empty house, he shows and tells fortunado of the spider web like niter in the walls, while giveing hime more wine
when they reach the room that montresor said that held the wine, he gets fortunado into a small alcove in the back, flips him around and chains his arms and body to the wall, and began to close off the room.with stones from under bones.
after a short screaming match between the two montresor completly seals off the room, puts the bones back in thier rightful place like they were never touched.
montresor then said in latin " may he rest in peace".