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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Brutus' speech- Ethos
  • Be patient until I've finished. Romans, fellow citizens, and friends, listen to me explain my reasons, and be silent so that you can hear. Believe me on my honor, and respect that honor so that you will believe me.
  • Brutus' speech- Pathos
  • If that friend then demands why I rose up against Caesar, this is my answer: it is not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.
  • Brutus' speech- Logos
  • With this final word I leave you- just as I killed my best friend for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger myself, when my country needs my death.
  • Brutus is trying to appeal to the crowd by asking them to respect his honor. He is pulling them in by saying he needs to explain his reasoning for what he did. He's also appealing them by saying if they believe him on his word and respect his word, that they will actually believe what he's saying in the end.
  • Antony's speech- Ethos
  • Friends, Romans, countrymen, give me your attention. I've come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The bad things men do live on after their deaths, but the good things are often buried with their bones. Let that be the case with Caesar.
  • Brutus is saying that he killed Caesar out of his love for Rome. He implied that it wasn't because he loved him any less that he did it, but when in reality they did it almost out of revenge and spite. Brutus used pathos to persuade the citizens that he had a probable cause.
  • Antony's speech- Pathos
  • When the poor would cry, Caesar would weep- ambition should be made of sterner stuff than that. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man.
  • Brutus is using his dagger meeting him at his time to justify what the conspirators did to Caesar. He is implying that he did what he had to do for the good of Rome. Overall he is convincing the citizens that he should be respected for what he did if he is saying he's willing to do the same.
  • Antony's speech- Logos
  • You all loved Caesar once, and with good cause. What reason then is holding you back from mourning him? Oh judgement, you've fled to brutish animals while men have lost their reason!
  • Antony states that he isn't there to praise what Caesar accomplished or did, but to pay respect to the person he was. He uses ethos to pull the audience by giving a somewhat neutral statement. He also implied that Caesar is already going to be remembered unwell and he knows there isn't much he can do about that besides be there to say his side.
  • Antony uses pathos by saying that even though Caesar was viewed as above everyone, that he would still cry even when the poor would cry. He implies that Caesar isn't what Brutus is making him out to be. Overall he is stating that Brutus may be "honorable" but he doesn't know who Caesar was deep down if he viewed him as ambitious.
  • Antony is upset that no one is appreciating what Caesar did, especially after the way that he died. He uses logos to imply that they have nothing stopping them from feeling hurt. Instead of feeling the way Antony is, he said that they are acting like "brutish animals" for showing no remorse.
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