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Divine Comedy - 2

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Divine Comedy - 2
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • 7
  • What is that thing in the tree?
  • That is a soul from someone who committed suicide. Now, we are in the seventh circle of hell, called Violence, whereas has 3 rings. People who are violent against their neighbors' souls were tortured by the First Ring. The Second Ring torments the souls of those who have committed acts of violence against themselves. The Third Ring contains the souls of those who have committed acts of aggression against God, Nature, or Art.
  • 8
  • Ohh, is this where the ditches belong?
  • This is where persons who have committed frauds or malicious crimes have been tortured. Ten Ditches, or Bolgia, are separated into this circle. The 1st are panderers, also known as sex workers and seducers, 2nd are flatterers, 3rd are simoniacs, 4th are sorcerers, the 5th are corrupts, 6th are hypocrites, 7th are thieves, 8th are deceit and fraud counselors, 9th are people who separated religion to form their own religion, and 10th are falsifiers.
  • 9
  • Are we done yet? And why is the atmosphere so heavy here?
  • Yes, and it is because we are in the last circle of hell which is Treachery. People in here betrayed trust, and is divided into 4. Betrayers of family, country or community, guests, and lords.
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