"No longer mourn for me when I am dead" He doesn't want people to sit around constantly dwelling on his death. He wants them to move on with their lives.
"That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot" He wants them to forget about him. He doesn't want them to just sit around thinking of him being gone.
The stairs I see as symbolizing the person he is speaking to moving up to a different part of their lives. One without him.
It adds meaning because he's reffering to how when people mourn they can let it completely take over their lives.
"But let your love even with my life decay" He's giving the love life, which it doesn't have.
He his life is over, he wants the love's life to be over. For them to form a new life without him.
The fact that the auther is content with it can be a comfort to the person they are writing to.
" From this vile world with vilest worms dwell"  The author seems content with death
It seems like the author has written this to someone who isn't content with death or can't cope with it
They think they should forget about them and be happy with their life so when it's their time they can be content.
"Nay, if you read this line remember not."
The author doesn't believe sitting around thinkning of them is good
The message is to let the person know that even though they are gone their love for them is not
"The hand that writ it, for I love you so"
The author leaves the person they wrote this for a nice message