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Deadlock in negotiations

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Deadlock in negotiations
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  • Deadlock in negotiations
  • Please inform the newly contracted employees that I need to speak to them
  • Please inform the newly contracted employees that I need to speak to them
  • Will do, I will inform them right away
  • Discussion with employer
  • Please note that due to the current pandemic and the financial strain it has caused, we are needing to cut down on staff.
  • The employees have notified me that they really need their jobs during this time so you cannot do this to them!
  • negotiation between parties
  • There must be a way to keep them here, even if it means that their salaries are reduced.
  • We are already having to do that with staff that’s been here for years, so we are unfortunately unable to accommodate for anymore staff
  • The employer has an obligation to hold meetings with his employees regarding their jobs and to inform them of bad news.
  • Collective bargaining
  • This illustrates the company not being able to afford to pay all employees due to difficulty of finances. The representative is then responsible to try and fight for the employees to keep their jobs as they have not done anything for the employer to dismiss them.
  • Compromise between parties
  • We have no idea of when we will be in a better position financially or when things will pick up so we are not able to guarantee anything
  • The staff will not be happy about this as they are desperate for work during the pandemic but we will communicate this with them.
  • The representative needs to negotiate with the employer to find a solution and to try to keep the jobs of the employees as they will feel like they are unfairly dismissed.It is the employers responsibility to closely look at how to accommodate and try his best to keep them employed.
  • Communication from employer
  • This is unacceptable as we have worked hard and deserve these jobs. We are going to take this matter to the CCMA.
  • This illustrates the representative trying their best in order to assist the employees and to do everything in order to make sure things are fair, equal and right.
  • Is there any way you can guarantee the employees work when things pick up again?
  • When the employer has tried his best and is out of options, both he and the representative will not come to an understanding and agreement. This then causes deadlock in the negotiations as they cannot compromise so that everybody wins.
  • When the representative has to deliver the bad new to the employees, the employees have every right to go to the CCMA in order to have their problem resolved as well as make sure things are fair and done correctly.
  • The employer has indicated there are no ways to keep you on board, nor guarantee work for you in the future as they do not know when things will pick up for the business.
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