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Deadlock in wage negotiations

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Deadlock in wage negotiations
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Deadlock in wage negotiations
  • Siefsa: We are hoping for a seamless negotiation
  • Wage negotiations CCMA facilitated
  • Union: If our demands are met, it can be seamless
  • Deadlock in wage negotiations
  • We can offerA guaranteed 4, 4% increase for all workers calculated on the scheduled rates and given to what a worker is earning per hour.A guaranteed CPI + 0,5% increase in year 2 i.e., 1 July 2022A guaranteed CPI + 1% increase in year 3 i.e., 1 July2023
  • we demand a 8% increase across the board for the first year, and CPI plus a 2% improvement factor for the second and third year, with an option to offer6% or reopen negotiations if CPI plus 2% falls below inflation
  • Deadlock in wage negotiations
  • We can not accept this offer and will only accept what we have asked for
  • Deadlock in wage negotiations
  • Deadlock in wage negotiations
  • Deadlock in wage negotiations
  • They are refusing our demands we must show them!! we must down tools,
  • The economy and country was affected really badly during the recent Covid-19 pandemic and as a result many business are suffering and can not afford these demands
  • We do not care, and demand that our wants be satisfied ,We will have no choice but to down tools and strike
  • Section 64 of the Labour Relations Act legitimises labour action by granting employees the right to strike and employees the right to lock out employees.
  • Viva
  • Yes,
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