I know but my water is used in different body processes and helps to regulate our temperature. Blood and other body fluids are mostly water, which helps to carry nutrients around the body and in and out of cells
Ew. That's gross!
That guy snuck candy to recess!
He shouldn't do that! He should bring fruits like me because fruits have vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and helps keep teeth and gums healthy.
OMG! You only have chips and a cupcake! Your'e gonna die if you keep eating junk food like this!
You really shouldn't eat that because that has many fats in there, but not all fats are bad, unsaturated fats are the most concentrated source of energy, helps store extra calories for later use. Fat is used in metabolic processes as part of hormones, insulate our bodies, and provide shock absorption to protect different body parts
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