Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers
Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers
Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers
Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers
Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers
Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers
Magna Carta (June 15 1215)
Navigation acts (late 1600's)
Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries)
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
The Magna Carta is a document listing rights. This document was agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede. This led to the revolution because it showed how everyone should deserve some rights.
The navigation acts were laws set by English parliament to regulate who is getting access to the country. This helped lead to the revolution because they could rebel against this since it were an unfair set of laws.
A period of time called the time of reason. This helped lead to the revolution because now there are more knowledgable people.
This is a document containing the amendments. This helped lead to the revolution because the English bill of rights helped infuence future American amendments.
This was law that taxed sugar and other sweet goods. This led to the revolution because it was a motive for the Americans to revolt. These taxes also led to The Boston Tea Party, an event where people dressed as native Americans stole british tea and threw it into the sea.
This act was a set of taxes that were put on printed things such as stamps, newspapers, and other documents. These taxes were used to pay of war debt. These taxes inferiated the citizens of America, which helped feed the fire tat resulted in the revolution.
you can not come here.
We tax newspapers