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Visual Art 1.1

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Visual Art 1.1
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • No another class,
  • how will that help me while shopping?
  • It is the last day of school before Summer so all the kids were excited to leave class until Ms. Parker walked to give them a brief explanation on the Elements and Principles of Art. Ana(purple hair) especially was angry because she had plans to go shopping for summer.
  • Ms. Parker noticed Ana's facial expression and later assured her that when she goes shopping next she will notice that art is in our everyday life including shopping too. Lissa (pink hair) asked how knowing elements and principles of art will help her shop better. Then Ms parker simply told them that when next they go shopping they should try to apply some while shopping.
  • Schools Over!! Summer is here all the kids were excited they began making plans. Ana and Lissa which are sisters decided that they start the summer with Shopping and try and incorporate what they learned in class. Ana was still a little confused.
  • After all Ms. Parker was right!
  • Then they got into the Shop Ana found a nice dress with patterns, or more like repetition she was starting to understand better, Lissa found Camo pants with a pattern and color. So they both decided to have fun and pick clothes with at least 3 elements and principles.
  • They both challenged each other to find an item with a very nice combination of elements and principles, surprise Ana won with a very beautiful handbag with a distinct red color, floral patterns. She even concluded that the Colour and pattern acts as an emphasis. Lissa found a dress with a very nice shape and calm color.They both had fun picking clothes.
  • They propably spent over 4 hours just picking clothes, Ana felt so good and realise how important understanding even just the basics of Visual Arts really hepls . Lissa laughed at her because while shopping she always noticed that Ana will just pick clothes and leave but now they both have a deeper understanding. Ana now wants to be a fashin designer.
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