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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Hector gives Aphrodite the golden apple
  • you are the fairest
  • i give you Helen
  • Paris abducts Helen " the fairest women" and war starts
  • YES! Helen is mines now
  • He has taken my Helen. City of Troy MUST FALL!!
  • Achilles has to disguise himself
  • This war is going to be your end you must disguise yourself
  • "Paris, a weakling and somewhat of a coward, too, as later events showed, choose the last. He gave Aphrodite the golden apple."(Hamilton. Mythology, 2011, page 255)
  • Zeus favors the Trojans
  • I promiseeee
  • "Paris who coming Entered a friends kind dwelling, Shamed the hand there that gave him food, Stealing away a woman,.. They come eager for the great enterprise, to cross the sea and lay the Mighty Troy in ashes." ( Hamilton, Mythology, 2011, page 257)
  • Menelaus is victorious against Paris
  • mmmhh... Yea ok were good with a truce
  • "She sent him to the court of Lycomedes, the king who had treacherously killed Theseus, and made him wear women's clothes and hide among the maidens"(Hamilton, Mythology, page 258, 2011)
  • Hera continues the war
  • Dont stop until Troy falls!
  • "The plan Zeus made was simple. He knew that the Greeks without Achilles were inferior to the Trojans, and he sent a lying dream to Agamemnon promising him victory if he attacked."(Hamilton, Mythology, 2011, 262)
  • ZZZZ i must attack! zzzzzz
  • "Furiously Menelaus went through the Trojans ranks seeking Paris,.. but he was gone,.. So Agamemnon spoke to both armies, declaring that Menelaus was victor and bidding the Trojans give Helen back." (Mythology, Hamilton, 2011, 263)
  • Yoooo Menelaus won so lets call a truce
  • Ummm wheres Paris???
  • "Hera was determined that the war should not end until Troy was ruined. Athena, sweeping down the battlefield, persuaded the foolish heart of Paradus, a Trojan to break the truce and shoot an arrow at Menelaus." (Mythology, Hamilton, 2011, page 264)
  • Heyy Pandarus break the truce
  • Truce is off. ATTACK!
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