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Goldilocks and the three bears

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Goldilocks and the three bears
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  • What! no , it is not safe out their goldilocks. Listen to me pls.
  • Mom, can i pls go out into the woods. pretty pls.
  • knock, knock, knock Hello, is anybody here? 
  • Goldilocks sat their trying to convince her mother but her mother wouldn't change her decision. Goldilocks was made at her mom so she decided to sneak out to the woods.
  • oh some porridge, tasty. Let me try this one first (the big one) oh! this is too hot
  • let me try this second one, ew this is too cold.let me try this one (smallest one) oh this is just perfect.
  • Out in the woods, all alone, not knowing how to go back . Goldilocks just continued to walk straight forward.
  • ahh! i am so tired let me sleep on this big bed (green bed) no way i'll sleep here it is too hard. let me try this yellow bed. ah now this is too soft. I have only one bed left the small bed. OH i definitely can sleep here.
  • goldilocks' idea of walking straight worked, after morning, it was afternoon now and she had found a small cottage. She was aesthetic and didn't have no choice but to knock on the door cause she was tired and starving.
  • This is unbelievable first you eat my food and now you sleep in my bed without permission. ahhhh 
  • oh, who are you (ahhhhh!) screamed goldilocksi am leaving now.
  • goldilocks' went straight to the kitchen and saw on the table three pot's with porridge in them, she saw nothing else to eat so she went to try the porridge.
  • after goldilocks was done eating she was so full and tired that she wanted to go to sleep. So she walked further more into a house and saw 3 beds she tried all of them and choose the one she like and went to sleep.
  • after a long time of goldilocks sleeping the homeowners came back and saw that some had eaten the baby bears porridge. the baby bear was very sad and started crying. the baby bear ran to the bedroom but to his surprise he saw a girl sleeping there and cried even louder waking up goldilocks.
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