The process of photosynthesis is at first may seem confusing
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And I'm Bill
Nothing to worry about, the water is cut by light energy from the sun, which is called a light dependent reaction
The process starts when the substance water enters through the chloroplasts in the leaves, where it is cut
Oh No what is water cut by
So if light energy and water come together to make a light dependent reaction, what happens next
During the light dependent reaction, oxygen is produced and is spread out throughout the chloroplast, and eventually the whole plant
After oxygen is produced in the chloroplast, a substance called NADP carries an H molecule to the scrotum of the chloroplast where it will take apart of the Calvin Cycle.
You could consider NADP, the Uber of Substances in Cells
That's correct. Carbon dioxide, the same substacne we as humans produce every day, enter the plant and is sent to the scrotum t take a part of the Calvin Cycle
*Heavy Exhale*
So a H molecule enters the Calvin Cycle, but I'm pretty sure that another outside force enters the plant
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And finally the process of photosynthesis ends with the H molecule and the carbon dioxide enter the Calvin Cycle, and creates sugars, which spreads to the rest of the plant