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The transition
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • We made it! Finally done with High school. I cannot wait to experience all the freedom now.
  • I still can't believe we are done!!. Is today really our last day here? Finally I get to have loads of fun in university, Its a party there everyday I tell you!
  • Hard to believe my son is already grown! We will surely miss you
  • Yes. And I will be living in luxury there!
  • Hahaha..
  • We are moving very fast. It feels like one minute we are done with a chapter! I can't keep up
  • Good morning first year's. We are now covering topic 7.Please read in advance as we may not cover everything in the lecture. Your assignment is due Friday and your tutorial test due tomorrow at 8.
  • I am definitely coming!
  • My marks are dropping, and the semester test is next week .I really need to start putting more effort in my studies.
  • Ladies ,gentlemen. Party this Friday ,my place. Drinks are on me. 6pm till late!. Loosen up lets have some fun
  • Wow , a burger is this expensive? I will take the packet of meat instead. I can cook it several times. That is good planning and I can even save that money. When i get to Res I eat and practice math then EBE for today. As for the party ,I will skip this one and put my school first .We were introduced to a new topic in Accounting last week, I have to catch up by Friday. It is up to me to get things done.
  • Tell us son, how was your first year?
  • Not quite luxurious! My modules have taught me that life does not just come easy, I needs to put in effort to achieve my goals. I will start avoiding procrastination and just get started. I will now start making decisions keeping in mind that I am responsible for myself, as well as setting boundaries. I will start planning my work ahead so that I am not left behind and I am fully prepared for my coming examinations. I will take each day as it comes, and cross each bridge when I get there.
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