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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Do you know that we, humans, are the highest form of life. We are different and more superior than you two, animals and plants!
  • Oh God! The audacity! Do you both know that we release oxygen for you to breath. We also serves as your food to eat. So, please...Just be humble.
  • Wow! You're so arrogant, human! Do you also know that we, animals are necessary to your life? We are your companions, workers, eyes and ears, and your food. So don't belittle us. Plants are the useless form of life.
  • Oh! Really?
  • Your Uncle Matthias and Robert proposed that you guys are composed of cells, while your Uncle Robert coined the term cell.
  • Sssssshhh.... Stop the commotion! Remember that humans, plants, and animals are all made up of cells. It is the basic structural unit of life.
  • No way
  • Your Uncle Remark and Virchow proposed this.
  • Wow! That's amazing
  • And do you guys know that all cells comes from pre-existing cells by division? It don't just appear out of thin air. But are always made from current cells.
  • Moreover, all cells cells have the same chemical composition.
  • Another thing is that cells contain hereditary information which is passed from cell to cell during division, and from one generation of an organism to another through the organism's reproductive cell.
  • Precisely!
  • So, that's how it works. Now we know
  • Do you mean that we are composed of the same chemical substance that perform the same general task?
  • Lastly, all energy flow of life, like metabolism and biochemistry occurs within cells. Cellular processes happens through step-wise chemical reactions
  • Wow! Spectacular!
  • Thank you for the new knowledge, sir.
  • So what are you waiting for? You should reconcile and settle down now.
  • Apology accepted. I am so sorry too. I love you all!
  • Forgive me also, plants and humans
  • Sorry, plants and animals. I became boastful. Now i know that all lving organism share something in common- that is we are all made up of cells.
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