That was actually worse than you made it out to be
No, your full name.
True enough, Hazel Grace.
I hardly know you Augustus Waters. You can be an ax murderer.
Are you serious? You think that's cool? Oh, my god, you just ruined the whole thing.
When it wasover Augustus Waters pushed himself out of his chair and walked over to ask what her name was.
They don't kill you if you don't light them. And I've never lit one; it's a metaphor.
Hazel gave hime asimpleresponds but he wanted to know her full name. After Hazel tells him he tells her that it wasn't as bad as she made it seem.
I'm going to a movie with Augustus Waters. Please record the several episodes of the ANTM marathon for me.
When they were walking out of class they were still talking and Hazel tells him thta she doesn't know much about Augustus Waters.
Once they get outside Augustus reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette, Hazelfreaks out because he had cancer. But Augustus explains that he just puts them in his mouth but doesn't actually lit them.
Hazels mom had arrived and told her that she is going to be hanging out with Augustus Waters, and to also record her favorite show for her.