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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Spinning Jenny
  • Spin Faster!
  • So cheap!
  • Secret Industry
  • The spinning jenny was an invention in the Industrial Revolution. It was invented by James Hargreaves.
  • Frame Loom
  • The reason for this invention was to spin yarn/cotton faster, more efficiently, to reduce labor costs and increase production.
  • Easy and Fast!
  • (After the spinning jenny was invented)
  • (Before the spinning jenny was invented)
  • James Hargreaves kept his invention a secret for some time but produced a number in his own industry. Soon the price of yarn became cheap, making the large spinning community in Blackburn angry. Eventually they broke into his house and smashed all his machines, causing him to flee to Nottingham in 1768. The spinning jenny used eight spindles onto which the yarn was spun, so by turning a wheel one time, the operator could spin eight threads at once.
  • Bad Air Quality
  • Before the spinning jenny was invented people used to weave on a simple frame loom.
  • The spinning jenny helped society by producing more yarn/cotton in a shorter amount of time. As you can see in the picture on the right, the man has weaved very little, but on the left side the man has weaved a lot. Before people used to spin eight times slower!
  • This is so time consuming.
  • The air quality got worse because it produced fibers into the air during the weaving process reducing the air quality causing air pollution.
  • Achoo!
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