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Bibliography worksheet template


  • Name Date
  • Ex.: Smith, John D.
  • TITLE:
  • Directions:
  • Author(s) and/or Editor(s) (last name, first name)
  • Ex.: 2010
  • Publication Date
  • Title of Publication
  • Ex: Book, Journal, Newspaper-- The Daily Times (or italicize) Ex.: Article Title-- "Friendly Faces in the City"
  • Books, Academic Journals, Newspapers
  • Ex.: New City Publishers, New York
  • Publishing Company, Publishing City
  • Ex.: (101) or (198-203)
  • Page Numbers Referenced
  • Check the "About Us" section if necessary!
  • Author(s) / Creator(s) / Organization Name
  • Latest Update Date
  • Or subheading, or section linked on website
  • Title of Page
  • Websites
  • Name of Website or Organization
  • Date Accessed and URL
  • Ex.: 15 April 2018
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