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some of the working experiences I have had is working in a office, cleaning pools, babysitting, etc.
what work experience have you had?
I would that I would like to apply for is a florist job, I enjoy being outdoors.
what type of work do you want? why?
some of my hobbies are working out, playing sports etc.
I'm always ready to work, and be prepared to come to work and make my boss proud.
what are you weakness and strengthens
what are your hobbies and interest?
a major achievement i got in middle was getting first place in san Antonio for FFA and then getting first place in Narravo country for Ag mech
what was your major achievement in middle school?
of course.
thank you so much, ill will give you my number, call this number when you heard something, thank you again.
thank you for your information, i will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for you time, i will get back to you as soon as i heard something.
hello this is the lady from the interview, i was calling back to tell you that you got the job as a florist, you may start working in the next week!
hi thank you for calling me back, thank you so much for this opportunity, I'm looking forward to making my boss proud.
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