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Gleiten: 1
Gleiten: 2
I'll check it later
Gleiten: 3
I will check all notifications now
Gleiten: 4
No notification?! Maybe I was I dreaming that I received a message
Gleiten: 5
Gleiten: 6
I will check itlater...
Gleiten: 7
Hey Robert! What do you mean? I never sent you anything
Hey Alex! What do you want? I messaged you back but you never replied
Gleiten: 8
Really?! Maybe I was sleepy when I sent that message
I am sure I received a message from you on WhatsApp
Gleiten: 9
Why would anyone hack my account? Maybe someone accessed my phone and sent that message
Maybe your WhatsApp account is hacked! It is common these days
I will just change my passcode
Gleiten: 10
What do you think about it?
Gleiten: 11
We need to ensure the account is not compromised
Gleiten: 13
You should check your WhatsApp to verify whether it is hacked
Gleiten: 15
Later during lunch break ....
Did you check your WhatsApp?
I forgot! I will do now.
Gleiten: 16
There are many settings here, where should I tap?
Gleiten: 17
Gleiten: 18
Let's check Linked devices and see if someone is connected to his WhatsApp account.
I don't think this tab will help us.
Gleiten: 19
There is only one device connected to your account. It runs on macOS!
Do you recognize this device?
Gleiten: 20
I don't even own a Mac. What can this hacker do to my account?
Gleiten: 21
Yeah, that's how I received those messages from you on whatsapp. That person must have sent them pretending to be you!
Ohh, how can I remove it?
Gleiten: 22
No, that person could access your private chats and send messages to others from your account. That's how I received some messages from you
Ohh, how can I remove it?
Gleiten: 23
Dont worry! it says here 'tap a device to edit or log out'. You can check it out to remove the device whenever you feel to do so
Got it!
Gleiten: 24
Thank you so much for the help!
Gleiten: 0
I agree that changing phone's passcode is a good idea but it might not be enough.
Correct! While changing the passcode might help, we need to ensure the account is not compromised
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