Mary considers her strengths and weaknesses, and meets some friends on her journey to improve herself!
My class this summer has really made me think about my strengths and weaknesses.
I know I procrastinate, and a lot of things easily distract me. I like to listen instead of participate, so sometimes my teachers overlook me.
But I made a lot of effort to work hard and stand out at my internship...all of my supervisors offered to write me recommendations!
But I still have so many weaknesses to work on!
Hi Mary! Don't look so upset!
Thanks Adam!
You're good at a lot of things! You help me stay positive and you help keep me motivated.
You're always supportive, too. I think of you as a courageous person.
Don't forget that you're also very compassionate and a great friend.
Thank you, Bri and Sarah.
Maybe they're right...Guy told me once that I learn quickly and I'm a good listener...
My boss, Sandra, told me that my willingness to ask questions and learn makes me an asset. That has to be good, right?
Maybe things aren't so bad! I can use strategies from my class to improve!
I can use small questions on Post-Its to keep me on task every day. I can try to do more 5-minute favors for everyone! Everyone likes favors.
I can use my positivity to inspire my friends. I can work to ease the stress on those around me. By perfecting both qualities, I can be an asset to everyone.
While I'm improving, I can look into IR research opportunities at school! I can also network so that I can get a job I'll enjoy after I graduate.
Not everything will be easy. I'll face strong competition, and I'll be busy and probably stressed.
But if I work hard and continue to improve, I'm sure I'll do fine.