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Geez you're so dramatic, Mary
it was an accident. I forgot to shut the door before he flew away
SAME THING! He's not ready to be outside like that.
but- but James, you killed my pet bird
call 911 or something but hurry. I'm getting dizzy
Hello I need fire and EMS at Plainview Park 76131. My girlfriend was rescuing her bird from the tree and she's scared to come down.
I got him!
can't. too. scared.
good, get down
so what are you going to do?!
this is crazy but okay
I need fire for the ladder for my girlfriend, and EMS because now she's feeling dizzy.
I have to go look for him
I will check the park first then.
He could be anywhere
Oh YEAH in the tree.
I'm going to climb up and get him while I can
the irony of that.
QUICK! I think I see him.
A lady stuck in a tree..? Ha I love my job.
Okay I've checked you for any serious injuries, and nothing too bad. Just a few scratches from the branches, and a little bleeding from one.
Are you sure you don't feel dizzy anymore? I wouldn't want to leave with you still feeling loopy from this.
Okay thanks so much.
No, I'm fine. Thanks for everything.
cool bird
Okay we'll get out of your way now. C'mon Steve! It's time to head out.
hm what do I want for dinner?
thanks thanks
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