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  • Reincarnation- the belief that you are born again in another body
  • Siddartha was born into the Kshatriya caste
  • I can’t believe there is so much suffering.
  • Dharma- the root of your social order
  • After leaving his privileged life in the Kshatriya caste he searched for answers to why there was so much suffering.
  • After meditation, he gained enlightenment and was then known as the Buddha.
  • Nirvana- Enlightenment or peace
  • Karma- the belief that you carry your deeds (good or bad)
  • The Four Noble Truths
  • 1. All life is suffering2. There is a cause for suffering 3. There is an end to suffering4. In order to end suffering you must follow the eightfold path.
  • Three Mindful practices 1. Good conduct- virtue2. Meditation- concentration3. Enlightenment- wisdom
  • Wisdom- right understanding of the four noble truth. Right thinking.Virtue- right speech. Right conduct. Right livelihood. Concentration- right effort. Right mindfulness. Right concentration.
  • There is so much to see!
  • Dharma- Buddhists don’t believe in the caste system
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