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Equipo 2_EV2_MCMLII
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Nicko is mad, they have to do the learning evidence because of Julio.
Osh, If Julio hadn´t told anything to the teacher, we wouldn´t be doing the learning evidence.
That´s right, now we have to do it just because of Julio, we have to tell to Ana and Sophia to help us.
Julio arrives. He never apologized and blamed everyone.
I will tell them, don´t worry
Nicko and Julio keep discuting.
If I were Julio, I would apologize to the team, the reason why we are stressed is for him.
I don´t going to apologize because that wasn´t my fault, but ok, let me tell to the rest of the team.
Julio talks with the rest of the team and Ana gets mad.
No!, all is fault of Nicko, he has to do it.
Ok, lets see, first, we know that was Nicko fault, second, we have to part the learning evidence.
Fernando tries to calm the team and Sophia parts the work.
I don´t think is anyone fault, we are a team and now we have to work like one.
And Nicko never understand..
I´m just going to say that Julio is the wrong one.
Yes guys, so now, Julio, Jose, Fernando and Nicko going to do….
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