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Hey john I really wished we had Liberal Government.
People have there own opinions Bill.
Hey you do not have the right to say that.
John And Bill Exit!!
Hey Angela did you hear what Bill said, so not true.
Bill has the freedom of speech, he can express himself without censorship or restraint.
Who said Bill has the right to say that.
We also have more rights as Canadian citizens
Actually everyone has the right to express themselves even you
Alex, we have had rights for a very long time. A lot of people have been following them without even knowing like you.
How many rights do we have? Do rights matter too?
Us Canadians also abide by our freedoms like having the freedom of association.
Rights do matter Alex, because in Canada we want everyone to feel like they are equal.
Now I really understand these rights but how did these rights and freedoms first come into action.
The charter Alex first officially came out in 1982. Forming the first part of the Canadian constitution.
Do these rights apply to citizens who are not born in Canada.
But if you are going to live in Canada, the only rights and freedoms that apply are the Human right.
Anybody who has a Canadian citizenship has to follow the charter and the constitution.
I wonder if there are different rights that people must abide by?
Angela do you know any freedoms of by hard.
Only the Canadian fundemental freedoms, freedom of religion, freedom of association and expression, freedom of assembly.
Wow, this is interesting but there is still one thing that is bothering me. Shouldn't we know of by hard to respect each other for who we are.
Of course we should treat everyone nicely, but human rights have not existed from the beginning of time, they were built and keep on being updated.
In 3000 B.C there were kings who had slaves work for there own goods.
Now when ever we vote for our Prime Minister we looks and see if they are abiding our rights. Human rights all over the world.
That is because countries want to try and keep everything equal for whoever is in their country.
Wow!! Thanks Angela for taking the time to explaining all of this to me, now I have a better of our country and its rules.
I hope you enjoyed learning why our rights are important and how it effects all of us. Enjoy you research.
Now that I got the tip of the ice burg now I want to go home and learn more.
Thanks Angela, See ya.
Bye Alex have fun!!!
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