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Postavitev Ciljev Pokrajina Č/B 3

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Me in 20__!

Reflecting on 20__

My favorite memory:

Favorite book I've read:

Favorite movie I've watched:

What I will never forget about 20__:

One way I grew in 20__:

Looking ahead to 20__

I want to continue to:

Something new I want to try or do:

Some things I want to accomplish:

My number one goal for 20__:
Postavitev Ciljev Pokrajina Č/B 3
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Beschreibung

Učenci lahko s tem delovnim listom za razmišljanje in zastavljanje ciljev zapišejo svoje spomine na preteklo leto in si zamislijo svoje cilje za novo leto! Ta prilagodljiv črno-bel delovni list je zasnovan za tiskanje ali digitalno uporabo.


  • My favorite memory:
  • Favorite book I've read:
  • Favorite movie I've watched:
  • What I will never forget about 20__:
  • One way I grew in 20__:
  • Reflecting on 20__
  • Me in 20__!
  • I want to continue to:
  • Something new I want to try or do:
  • Some things I want to accomplish:
  • My number one goal for 20__:
  • Looking ahead to 20__
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