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Zábavné Fakty o Vermonte

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Zábavné Fakty o Vermonte
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Študenti môžu ilustrovať zábavné fakty o štáte Vermont, s ktorými sa stretli pri svojom výskume.


  • VERT
  • Green Mountains
  • MONT
  • Champ!
  • Maple Syrup
  • The name Vermont comes from two French words: vert, which means green, and mont, which means mountains. Vermont's nickname is the Green Mountain State.
  • Image Attributions: ( - stevepb - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (
  • There is a myth that Vermont's Lake Champlain has a friendly, but shy monster living in it. It has been named Champ, and is said to have been spotted over 300 times!
  • Vermont is the home of maple syrup, and is famous for it. Vermont produces over 500,000 gallons of maple syrup a year!


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