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I love you, Darling!
We can go at whatever time Louise; I have the coach at the palm of my hands.
15 years later
OMG, is that the real Christian Darling???
The furthest I ran in a game was thirty-five yards, I am never going to run like I did that day in practice.
I will never leave you though! You are amazing to me:)
At the University
OMG! I just ran eighty yards at practice! This will make the coach love me!
Christian begins to realize Louise is becoming superior to him.
It is okay, you know I am not making that much money. While we are talking, could you please not call me baby anymore.
Baby, I am headed out for a meeting with someone from the fashion magazine, how is the real estate gig going for you?
That isn´t really for me, I do not feel like going.
Christian begins to realize he is nothing like these people, he should have never taken Louise´s love for granted.
We are heading to a play, care to join us_
(Christian was offered a job and asked Louise what she thinks), her response: Christian about that job, you should take it.
Here I am, back where it all started. I hope this boy doesn't make the same mistake I did.
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