Why can I shoot over 90% on my free throws at practice, but only 50% in the game?!?!
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Maybe you should try not standing at the free throw line shooting 100 shots in a row.
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Who do you think you are, Steph Curry?
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No, but I am Steph Curry's Certified Mental Performance Counselor
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Oh...Then what do you suggest I do?
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Well, for starters you can stop standing at the free throw line for 100 shots.
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Next, I want you sprinting from the opposite baseline to the free throw line between each shot
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That sounds exhausting!!!
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You're right, but in the game your level of arousal is elevated due to your activity level.
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Not to mention the added pressure of shooting in front of a live crowd!
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Fair point, but how beneficial is practicing to exhaustion?
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The goal isn't to practice to exhaustion, but it's to practice the skill at a similar arousal level.
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Each time you get back to the free throw line, take a few seconds for several deep, calming breaths.
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Imagine yourself making the free throw and shoot.
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Once you release the ball, sprint back to the other baseline and start again.
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I think I understand. I am practicing at the same arousal level as I will compete in, and by using mental imagery I can focus on making the shot every time.
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This is exhausting! Why do I keep missing so many shots!
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Likely for the same reason you were shooting so poorly in games!
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You're training yourself to make free throws when you're tired and highly stimulated.
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That's it! Keep practicing like this, and your free throw percentage is sure to go up!